Friday, April 17, 2009

Grand Theft Auto 4

In this posting I will be talking about Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto 4. In GTA4 you play as Niko Bellic a immigrant from Europe who moved to liberty city to start a new life with his cousin Roman. In the beginning you start when you get off the boat from Europe. The trouble starts when Roman gets into trouble with loan sharks and you end up killing the loan sharks and working for their boss Vlad who you kill after about a half hour after you meet him. when you kill him you meet Dimitri who will be the antagonist throuout the rest of the game. Then after you meet dimitri he quickly betrays you and you will want to kill him. Keep playing and you meet Brucie a loud mouth roid monkey who you quickly get to know. That was the main story now I will talk about the multiplayer the only game type I have played is free mode were you get to do what ever you want so basically what i am saying is liberty city is your sandbox but your playmates aren't so nice. if you do it with friends it is not so bad but if it is public it is insane just random killing and getting run over by a car all the time. There is one DLC for G.T.A 4 The Lost And The damned. In the The Lost And The damned you are a biker and you do stuff and look cool... OK i haven't played it yet but it looks awesome and it is basically a new campain for G.T.A 4. that is about it in my next post I will be talking about the Orange box.

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